
Looking for opportunities

Source code of all the projects is available in GitHub

Yoga Recommendation System

We developed a Machine Learning-Based Recommendation System that recommends yoga asanas based on user’s medical conditions.

Stock Price Prediction

I used an ARIMA model for base predictions and built a deep learning model to improve it further. Stock price predictions are made for Tech Giants like Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Amazon.

Model Zoo

We read and implemented a collection of Machine Learning Algorithms from various domains such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Object detection, GANs, etc.. using PyTorch and Tensorflow. The code is Open Source and can be used by anyone for developing their systems.

Escaping The Caves

We studied and designed chosen plain-text attacks on weaker forms of modern cryptographic methods such as DES and EAEAE.

Implementation of Word2vec and GloVe Model

Implemented Word2vec and GloVe model from scratch using Python(NumPy).

Sentiment Analysis

I build a Sentiment Analysis model using subclassing API of TensorFlow.

Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

Utilized Python to analyze what kind of people could survive in a disaster, using ensembling technique achieved 78.7% accuracy.

Tic Tac Toe

I build an AI Tic-Tac-Toe Game using Minimax algorithm. Implemented in JavaScript and Python.

Aman Jain Homepage

I built all the pages you're looking at now using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.