Hey! I'm Aman. I am a graduate of IIT Kanpur, where I majored in Civil Engineering and got a minor in Industrial and Management Engineering. I am an enthusiastic learner, fascinated by the worlds of data science and finance, seamlessly blending insights and strategies to expand my knowledge. Currently, I am working as an Associate Data Scientist at PayU.

I keep an optimistic vision in life. I love to talk to people, share ideas with them, and welcome honest feedback. I draw inspiration from many people in life - some I have crossed paths with and others I have read about.

I was nearly half a decade old when I first accessed a personal computer. I was so captivated by the machine that, over time, I developed a closer relationship with technology. The manner in which technology has improved our lives and is still doing so never ceases to amaze me.

I am a bonafide otaku (オタク), fully immersed in the mesmerizing realm of anime, where my spirit dances to the melodies of Naruto, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, and Jujutsu Kaisen.

Feel free to contact me via email or social media for a chat. :)